Kit List
Full Scout Uniform (Clean):
1x Scout Shirt 1xScout Trousers
1xNeckerchief 1xWoggle
Prescription Glasses if worn should always accompany scouts on activities, sunglasses are optional!
Essential medications, ie inhalers, etc should always accompany scouts on activities/nights away. It is essential that a Managing Medications Form is completed and returned to the Scouter in Charge before any overnight or pack holiday commences.
Essential Items:
1x lge Rucsac with waist belt 1xJacket
1x sml day bag 1xHiking Boots
1x sml insulated flask 1xGaiters (optional*)
1xWater Bottle 1xHat
1xWaterproof Jacket/Kagoul 1xWaterproof Trousers
1x med lunch box
1x Scout folder, notebook, pen & pencil
1xBlack Plastic Bag
Sleeping Bag (350gsm/3-4 season minimum) & Stuff/Dry Bag
1xRoll Mat
1xMidnight Snack Bag!
1xMidnight Snack Bag!
No Pillows Please - these should be made using stuff bag and clothing!
Wash Gear:
1xLge Towel 1xHand Towel
1xFace Cloth 1xSoap
1xToothbrush 1xToothpaste
1xShampoo 1xDeodorant
1xToilet Roll 1xWet Wipes (optional)
1xHand Cleanser Gel 1xInsect Repellent*
Sun cream*/lip balm*/Vaseline*/insect repellent*
Eating Gear:
1 each Knife, Fork, Spoon 1xUnbreakable Mug
1xUnbreakable Plate 1xUnbreakable Bowl1xTea Towel & Dish Cloth
Clothing: (minimun)
2xWarm Fleece
2xTrousers - not cotton jeans
1xSwimming Togs*, Hat,Goggles(opt)
5xUnderpants & Socks
1xOld Footwear/Crocks
1xPersonal First Aid Kit: 1xPersonal Sewing Kit
Plasters Needles
Anti-Septic Wipes Thread
Clean Tissue/Dressing Pack Shirt Buttons
Safety Pins
Survival Gear: *Optional Items:
1xBivvy Bag 1xWire Saw
1xPoncho (Tesco’s) 1xCompass
1xGardening Gloves 1xPruning Saw
1xPara Cord
1xFlint & Steel
1xDisposable Camera
Parents, please ensure that your child has all the items on this list, it is essential for your child's welfare they have the correct personal equipment. Items marked with a star* are optional items dependent upon seasonal requirements.
Activities/Consent Forms:
Before any youth member is allowed to participate in activities/overnights an activities consent form must be completed and returned to the scouter-in-charge.
· Youth members requiring medications may be required to self medicate if they over the age of 11years, ie scout age.
· A Managing Medications form must accompany any youth member requiring regular medications. These are available from the scouter-in-charge.
These items may only be brought on activities with the prior knowledge & permission of the Scouter-In-Charge and must be done so with due regard to the laws governing the ownership and carrying of knives.
· Penknives may only be carried by youth members on occasions when “they have reason to do so” ie taking part in a scouting activity including weekly meetings.
Penknives must be transported to and from specified activities in the bottom of your bag/rucsac.
Penknives must be transported to and from specified activities in the bottom of your bag/rucsac.
· Penknives must be surrendered to a responsible adult/scouter-in-charge for safe keeping while not in use.
The use of penknives is only permitted under the supervision of scouters until such time as a scout is deemed competent in their use.Electronic Items:
Mobile phones and other expensive electronic items should not be taken on activities by youth members. Scouting Ireland and the adult members of 4th Offaly Scouts - Edenderry take no responsibility for prohibited items taken on activities without their knowledge.