The Promise & Law...

The Scout Promise

On my honour
I promise that I will do my best,  
to do my duty to God,
to serve my Community, 
to help other people and to live by the Scout Law.

The Scout Law

Scouts are Friendly - They always say Hello, Please and Thank You!
Scouts are Kind - They work hard and help their family and friends.
Scouts are Honest - They always tell the truth.
Scouts can be Trusted- They always keep their word.
Scouts are Respectful - They care for themselves and for others.
Scouts are Brave - They stand up for right and good.


The Scout Law is a code of behaviour that members of Scouting are expected to do their best to live by, an invitation to live your life based on solid and fundamental values.

 Respect for, and solidarity towards, others (Scouts are friendly, to be a friend to all, to be helpful and considerate of others, to respect others); Protection of life and nature (to respect nature
and the environment); a positive attitude to life’s uprightness and loyalty (is to be trusted, is to be loyal, and to keep your word, Scouts Honour); a sense of one’s own dignity (respect for self); to be brave (to stand up
for what is right and good, to be a ‘leader and not a follower’, to think for yourself).

The Scout Law does not forbid anything. It is an invitation or code to develop oneself, to become more humane. The Scout Law promotes the ideal of ‘scout like’ behaviour and attitude. It is practiced and learned in real life situations within your Patrol and Troop, and in your daily life. You don’t keep the Scout Law you live it.

The Promise is the starting point of our understanding and a real belief that the doing of one’s best to live by the Scout Law is what a person chooses to do when they become a Scout. It is because he/she wants to live according to the Scout Law that he/she will set personal goals and achievements to reach through Scouting activities and everyday life.

As you grow within Scouting, you acquire and develop certain character strengths: sound judgment, a sense of responsibility, personal confidence and courage. These habits are built upon with the addition of the Scout Law in your life as an underlying code of commitment.

The Scout Law is not a rulebook but more a personal challenge. As an underlying principle of Scouting it will be reflected in many aspects of Scouting. The way we behave with others, the rules of conduct we draw up and also the measure by which misdemeanours are judged.The Scout Law is the foundation on which the whole of scout training rests (B.P. Aids to Scoutmastership)

"The boy is not governed by D’ONTS, but led on by DO. The Scout Law is devised
as a guide to his actions rather than as repressive of his faults"

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