Thursday, 30 April 2015

Slieve Bloom County Challenge 2015

Things are getting pretty exciting around our Scout Troop at the moment as they have been training for the Slieve Bloom County Challenge which takes place this weekend in Shrahan Scout Centre in the Slieve Bloom mountains near Camross, Co Laois.

The members of our 'patrol', ie Phoenix-Bear Patrol have been practising, practising, practising their scout-craft and are really looking forward to meeting up with other scouts from around our county. Our philosophy is that we're not in it to win, we're in it to have FUN.

Best of LUCK in the competition guys. Everybody in the group wishes ye all the very best and hope you have a great time!

For our parents who have kindly offered to ferry the scouts up the mountains we've been looking out for the centre on Google maps and hopefully this link will give you everything you need to be able to get there and back again!

ps We don't have any of the nice green canvas tents pictured here, but we'd like one!

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