Dear Fundraisers,
As Group Leader, I would personally like to thank each and every one of our intrepid fundraisers for stepping up to the mark on the two days of our bag packing extravaganza, I'd also like to thank the staff and management of Dunne's Stores and the people of Edenderry who contributed so generously.
Last Friday 12th and Saturday 13th October was quite some day(s)!From 10am til closing time on both days our fundraisers worked their socks off packing people's groceries into bags for them, smiling, being nice and generally raising the profile of the 4th Edenderry Scout Group.
As is usual policy for Dunne's Stores, one checkout was unattended, thus giving shoppers the opportunity to avoid having their groceries packed if they wished. Remarkably, even the shoppers on the unattended tills contributed generously to the cause.In the past, I've always gone to the trouble of pointing out to people that shoppers have the right not to have their bags packed and what's more, it's essential that we be gracious in allowing them to do so! It can be difficult explaining this to young people, as they tend to take a rebuff of this type rather personally...
Thank you to all the Scouts, Cubs, parents, grandparents, adult scouters, indeed everybody that turned out for the event. Some of them had to be persuaded to go home at the end of their shifts and others point blank refused to do so! No doubt everybody who helped out with the bag packing had sore feet, crampy cheeks (from smiling too much) and dry throats from making conversation and explaining to people about the business of scouting!
A special thank you must go to Scout leader Barry Hearns as he saw most of the two days on his feet at the end of a checkout and he organised the rota's and recruited helpers. He must still be shattered!
Two of our scouters, who must remain anonymous for security purposes were especially helpful in terms of counting the proceeds. All I can tell you is that at the present time, we still do not have an exact tally as they
Before I leave you, I would also like to offer a word of apology. It may have been noted that I was particularly noticeable in my absence from this event. I had been rosta'd to work both days, and would have done so willingly had I not injured my back on Wednesday afternoon. As a result, I've been supporting our fundraisers from my sick bed feeling very sorry for myself!
On that final note, thanks again to everybody that gave so generously of their time to make our first bag packing event in Edenderry such a resounding success...
Pauline Price
Group Leader
4th Offaly Scout Group
Co Offaly
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