Those of you whose children are already involved in the cub pack or the scout troop probably already know that we are always on the look out for potential leaders. This is because scouting is a dynamic and fast growing movement, not least in our own area, given that the 4th Offaly Scout Group only opened its doors in January 2012 and already we have nearly thirty youth members attending meetings each week.
In January 2011, the group was barely started, in fact it was little more than a pipe dream. In the year that followed this dream seemed to grow legs and we had scout leaders almost queuing up to join us, some had experience as leaders, some as scouts and others had none!
Leader Training In The Slieve Bloom Mountains |
First of all, applicants had to go through the application process which is pretty simple involving the completion of an application to become members of Scouting Ireland, provision of two passport sized photos' and two referees. As scouters work closely with children it is an essential requirement that applicants also undergo Garda Vetting*.
Once these processes* have been completed applicants are then welcomed to Scouting Ireland as members and may then begin their training, which is provided by the Scouting Ireland training teams, usually locally and more often than not within their own province. There are six stages to be completed before an adult member is recognized as being a qualified Scouter. This is an internationally recognized qualification.
The Finished Project - The Scout Camp Dresser |
Before an adult is allowed to work with youth members they must undergo stages 1 & 2. The first stage is a general induction to scouting and the second stage is the child protection course. Once these stages are complete and Garda Vetting has been approved the adult member is then allowed to work with youth members.
In Edenderry a first appointment will be as a programme scouter in either Cubs or Scouts. This
is largely because we are such a new group and the fact that we don't
have enough adult members to allow us to open the other sections. We
would also have to establish the need to open the other sections. (Scouting Ireland programme sections range from Beavers aged 6-8, Cubs aged 9-11 or Scouts aged 12-15. The other sections are Venture Scouts aged 16-18 and Rover Scouts aged 18-26.)
Scouting Ireland Adult Recruitment Poster |
Once a new member is assigned to a section
their training can begin in earnest the fun really begins. The Scout Method relies on a number of educational models, one of which is learning through doing, this is as relevent for adults as it is for youth members. This said, new scouters are working with scouters at different levels of experience and training who will willingly teach new members and take them under their wing while the group trainer organises more formal training for them.
Scouter training isn't just in the classroom, it is very much hands on. Stages 3 to 5 of the Scouting Ireland Training combines some theory with plenty of practical work too, so never forget to take your waterproofs with you on a training session!!! We hope that in the future the 4th Offaly Scout Group will also be able to offer training days and hopefully some adult fun in the evenings...
Learning Some Scout Engineering - Otherwise Known As Pioneering - A Catapult! |
If you or somebody you know like(s) working with children, have an interest in the great outdoors and have as little as an hour and a half a week to spare, plus some time for weekend activities/training we would love to hear from you! We don't expect you to have previous experience or a specific skill set to offer. You don't have to have children of your own, but you do have to be an adult - at least officially! We don't expect a lifetime committment of our scouters either, you can offer as much or as little time as your busy life schedule allows...
Learning How To Make Meths Stoves Out Of Old Beverage Cans (I set fire to the floor on this exercise!) |
Please contact us through our comments page here on the blog, our
facebook page or by e-mail (4thoffalyscouts(at=@) if you would like to find out more about life as an adult member of Scouting Ireland in Edenderry, Co Offaly.
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