Coming up very shortly on the Cub calendar is our Annual Camp. Unlike last year, which was a group camp we've decided to have a separate camp for each section! This year the cubs will be spending two nights camping out in Wallaby Woods in Donadea, Co Kildare. Yes! That's right, we are spending two whole nights out under canvas...

What they seem to have forgotten to mention is that not only will the site have all of that available, they will also have a purpose built shower/toilet block available for campers use only. In addition to this there is an amazing playground available for the cubs to play on if they get bored!
With goodness only knows how many acres to play in, a forest right next door, two rare Kerry Bog ponies and a week old foal, (who has yet to be named) and a variety of other rare and unusual animals to investigate I think this year's annual cub camp may just be the success we're aiming for!
Examples of the rare and unusual animals to be spotted at Wallaby Woods are a flock of Jacob's Sheep, a herd of Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Pigs, two different kinds of Wallabies, Owls, Terrapins, Golden Orfs, a friendly Goat, Peacocks', exceptionally rare Black Swans and a whole selection of other animals including a lovely black and white cat called Alley...
Back to the business of our 2nd Annual Cub Camp. As if all of the above wasn't exciting enough we'll be doing plenty of scouting too! This should include exciting things like a treasure hunt, pioneering and an all out battle between the Sixes using a scout engineered Ballista.
There will of course be the usual amount of work to be completed before we get to play! The campsite will have to be set up for all the cubs, the venture scouts who are coming along to give the leaders a hand and of the leaders themselves. The leaders campsite will be right nextdoor to the cubs campsite, but it will be slightly off bounds - ie to provide a bit of peace and quiet for five minutes every now and again!
Cubs who have paid deposits will be asked to pay the balance of the camp fee at tonight's meeting. This is to allow for camp rations to be purchased in advance. Bearing in mind that we are expecting to feed in the region of 25 people this is no mean feat!
All cubs camping at the weekend will be expected to bring their full camping gear with them. A list of requirements will be handed out at tonight's meeting. If any cub is short of camping gear a well known supermarket in the area has just restocked its camping isle and is full of reasonably priced equipment suitable for the beginner camper...
Finally, the 4th Offaly Scout Group takes this opportunity to remind parents that this camp has been subsidised by funds raised earlier this year. We thank those who participated in fundraisers to date and ask that parents continue to give their support to the group in future fundraising efforts.
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