Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Scout Year 2013-2014 Begins Tonight

The new scouting year kicks off this evening with the Cub Pack meeting at 6.30pm. All existing members of the pack are asked to attend this meeting in order to ascertain the details of our first activity of the year. This applies to the Scout Troop who are due to meet at 7.45pm through 9.00pm...

Subscription fees/subs remain €3.00 per meeting. These contribute towards the rental of the hall and provision of programme materials.

All members of the group are required to own a cub scout/scout uniform before they can be invested. These may be purchased new at the Scout Shop. It may be possible to purchase lightly worn uniform tops or navy blue trousers from Pauline - your Group Leader.

All members of the group are also required to own a copy of their section book ie Adventure Quest (Cubs) or Spirit of Adventure Folder (scouts). These are also available from Pauline - your Group Leader.

Registration documents have been e-mailed to all members of the group in the hope that they will be printed down, completed and returned this evening. Of course we'll have a few spare knocking around the place for anyone who forgets or is unable to print them down...

As was the case last year the group have decided to keep the cost of registration at €50.00 for the year 2013-2014. This covers the cost of membership of Scouting Ireland and insurance. It also contributes towards the purchase of badges and new members scarves and woggles...

Registration fees may be paid in installments, please speak to your scouter in charge about this. All fees must be submitted before 21st October 2013. Family membership is available for families with more than one child in the group.

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